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How come Mars landing has become almost routine now but interviewing all applicants and giving them feedback is still not?

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Humanity has sent a device 300 million miles away to land on Mars looking for signs of life. And yet the same humanity can interview only 2% of job applicants and give feedback to almost nobody:)

Not all of us have to aim to be a part of space initiatives but surely even when/if Mars is colonized, we will probably still live and work with other human beings. So why not aspire to make the interaction fair, transparent and productive?

94% of recruiters and hiring professionals acknowledge that using a recruitment software has positively impacted their hiring process (Source: Capterra's research) However, according to a 2019 Gartner survey, around 80% of the US HR departments don’t have the technology needed to do their jobs (Source: HBR article).

So, we have reason to believe that the need and intention of the corporate agenda is towards a more digital workplace but the needs of HR departments are still not met. Perhaps they have not found the right technological fit yet?

As a society, we have had a good run with various recruitment methods many of which may seem archaic now. Maybe it is about time to explore the emerging technological advancements and see how they can make our lives better.

Like in many areas, Artificial Intelligence can open doors to help address the capacity and quality issues in recruitment with the added benefit of individualized applicant feedback.

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